Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas time

Every year on the day after Thanksgiving we go cut down our Christmas tree. This year the only exception was we went to a tree farm instead of climbing around the mountains looking for one.

Uncle Jeff made it home for a few quick days. We almost lost Maia to him. Luckily she was to big to fit in his suitcase.

Kids with Grandma's tree


B Brown said...

Looks like fun. We just spent about 4 hrs cutting all the non-working lights off our fake tree instead of buying a new one...damn this economy. Love Maia's sweater.

enickel said...

So were you sad you didn't hike through the hills for your tree? Looks like fun either way.

Jennece said...

Wow, John and Gina it's been forever since we've last seen you guys! I saw your blog on Barry and Sarah Simmons blog so that's how I got onto your blog. It's Sloane and Jennece Kahuhu our blog address is: no dot after the three w's. So good to see you guys again! Cute kids too!