me-How was school?
Joel-Does BooBoo's granddaughter play Star Wars? Cuz if her's does her's needs to come play at my house, cuz her's is cool?
me-who is that?
Joel-you know...B O O B O O' s d a u g h t e r!!!
me-what's her name? Does she go to your school?
Joel- I told you who?
Me-Is it XXXXX?
Joel-Yes, I told you that already!!!
me-oh, we'll I'll call her mom and find out if she plays star wars
Joel-And do you know what?....Her's lost a tooth! A real one. For real mom. She did!!
Now i finally figured it out. XXXX is Joel's dream girl. He has wanted to loose a tooth ever since Jared's fell out. I keep telling him that 4 year olds usually don't loose their teeth. But SHE is living, breathing proof that it can happen and does!
After a whole 24 hours of waiting to have her over he finally was able to inspect that loose tooth and play Star Wars. I think I may have lost him forever. :)
Here they are 'reading' books to each other
Holy Cow, so it begins. I suppose its never to early to plan the wedding. They are a lot of work so maybe you'll appreciate the extra time. What's the legal age in WA? 14?
Ah, young love. Since he has already kissed my Emily, I guess he has moved on. GOOD! Remember when we ate at your house so long ago and all the kids watched them kiss? Cute couple BooBoo's daughter and he make.
So it begins...welcome to my world where there is REAL kissing and snuggling! AAAAAAAAA
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