Thursday, February 26, 2009

His first major award :)

Josh earned his bobcat last month and received his 'first major award' for the cub scout program. He was really excited and even more so now cuz he can start doing 'the fun stuff' instead of the 'hard, boring things'. And he even got his mom 'a jewel' for all of his hard work.
Man I love this boy!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Joel's first crush

This is the conversation I had yesterday when I picked up Joel from school

me-How was school?
Joel-Does BooBoo's granddaughter play Star Wars? Cuz if her's does her's needs to come play at my house, cuz her's is cool?
me-who is that?
Joel-you know...B O O B O O' s d a u g h t e r!!!
me-what's her name? Does she go to your school?
Joel- I told you who?
Me-Is it XXXXX?
Joel-Yes, I told you that already!!!
me-oh, we'll I'll call her mom and find out if she plays star wars
Joel-And do you know what?....Her's lost a tooth! A real one. For real mom. She did!!

Now i finally figured it out. XXXX is Joel's dream girl. He has wanted to loose a tooth ever since Jared's fell out. I keep telling him that 4 year olds usually don't loose their teeth. But SHE is living, breathing proof that it can happen and does!

After a whole 24 hours of waiting to have her over he finally was able to inspect that loose tooth and play Star Wars. I think I may have lost him forever. :)

Here they are 'reading' books to each other

Monday, February 9, 2009

Daddy Daughter Night

Each year for the past 5 (I think) our city has put on a dance for dad's and their daughters. John and Ryan have not missed it.

The girls get all dressed up and the dad's make a night of it. They went to dinner and then to the dance where the girls were adorned with crowns and goodie bags. Then it's a few hours of dancing and then off to get dessert.

Every year they have had it on Friday night. It's almost impossible for John to get off work in time to go but he has managed it, somehow. This year they did it on Saturday and it was so much easier on all of us.

What did the boy's and I do you ask?...3 hours of playing the WII. (I now officially hate that thing!!)

Ryan loved it and so did her dad!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

He's 8!!!

Josh was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on January 25th. We had a great time with cousin's and Grandparents for the weekend. I asked him if he was nervous and he said 'no, I know everything about it.' Maybe he could teach his mom. I was a nervous wreak but it turned out great!!

There was another little 8 year old that was also baptized that night. It was funny cuz both boys picked their grandma's to do the program. Josh had his grandma Dubinsky talk and his grandma Holmes say the prayer. Ryan, and Jared sang along with a couple of cousins from the other boy's side and a friend of Josh and Garett's.

2 down and 2 too go! :)