Sunday, December 28, 2008

Where's Joel??

Every Sunday morning it is the same routine. We all try to sleep in. Eat breakfast at 10. Then shower everyone and then eat lunch at 11:30 so that I have time to shower and get ready for church.

Well this morning I thought...Why am I making 2 meals an hour apart? Why not just have breakfast a little later and lunch a little earlier. AKA brunch!!

AH, the stress that was lifted off my shoulders. So as we sit down to eat at 11:15ish I look around and count heads only to find that 'thing 4' is missing. No one has seen him all morning.

We call out, but no answer. We look in his room, no Joel. Weird!!! So I go in and check his room and there he is sound asleep at 11:15 in the morning!! Now there's a kid after my own heart!


enickel said...

Nice. How is your routine going to work now that we have church starting at 9???

B Brown said...

Bragger. Mine gets up at 5:30 every day.