Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Babies 4!!!

My Joelie turned 4 last week and I wanted to get this posted long before now, but we can only do so much, right?
I asked Joel what he wanted for his birthday and he said, 'I want a Darth Maul lightsaber and Gabe to come over.' So that's what we did.
We went to lunch together at Burger King of all places, then it was off to the dollar store for 'weapons' to play with. (they each picked out a gun. not the same one surprisingly)
Then it was home to dress up and get the bad guys. I had weblos so he got to go over to Gabes for a bit and then it was home for pizza and presents.
Fun day for my yummy boy!
My 4 year old going to school

Joel and Gabe playing power rangers.
This picture was taken about 4 or 5 months ago.
I forgot to get one of them playing on his birthday. :(

Off to school, and yes he does his own hair! Love it!!


Larson's said...

Give him big huggs and kisses from his favorite auntie!!!

B Brown said...

1st of all, you used the wrong tense for "babies" how many 4 year old babies do you have? 2nd- what kind of mother 4gets to take key birthday photos of silly adorable boys in even sillier outfits? 3rd- where's the stinkin close-up picture of your hair so I can see it? :)