Monday, October 20, 2008


So this soccer season I have missed my fair share of Josh's soccer games. As in almost all of them!!! I hate it! I did finally make it to one.

He is such a maniac out there. Although he didn't have his best game, (he only scored once and blocked 3 goals.) it was great to hear him say that it was fun for him to have me there.
He's so yummy!~


Sunday, October 19, 2008


My wonderful husband forgot our anniversary. So I thought shoot for the sky for your birthday...RIGHT! So I dropped not so subtle hints that I would love to see Celine Dion and Oh look she will be at the Tacoma Dome 2 days after my birthday. :)
I wasn't sure we were going to be able to pull it off. Saturdays at our house are crazy!!! Josh starts soccer at 8:30 almost every week. Ryan and I are in a play so practice starts at 9am. John takes the boys with him to soccer, back home to clean the church, (it was our week). Then it was off to take football pictures. Right after that Josh had his first football game of the session. I ran home and picked up Joel for a birthday party. (he only got to stay for 45 minutes cuz we had to get home by 3:15). Then we all meet at home to pack the kids up to go to Grandma and Papa's house over night. Our dinner reservations were in the Harbor at 6pm. The concert started at 8.

We made it to mom and dad's by 4:30 and then on the way back to the Harbor I thought....'this is crazy! We have been running around with our heads chopped off since 8:30.' John suggested that we just park at the Dome and catch light rail into downtown and find food there.

It was perfect! After about 2 stops, I spotted Indochine so we jumped off and had a YUMMY dinner at a nice slow pace. :)
The concert was AMAZING. Her voice is incredible and she had great energy. We were on the second row so I snapped a few pictures with my contraband camera. The pictures stink but at least I got some. After, she walked down by us to leave so I snapped that close up and then shoved the camera back in my bag.
What a great night. And to top it off we had no kids at home, no mother-in-law home, JUST US!
So is John redeemed?....YEAP!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Babies 4!!!

My Joelie turned 4 last week and I wanted to get this posted long before now, but we can only do so much, right?
I asked Joel what he wanted for his birthday and he said, 'I want a Darth Maul lightsaber and Gabe to come over.' So that's what we did.
We went to lunch together at Burger King of all places, then it was off to the dollar store for 'weapons' to play with. (they each picked out a gun. not the same one surprisingly)
Then it was home to dress up and get the bad guys. I had weblos so he got to go over to Gabes for a bit and then it was home for pizza and presents.
Fun day for my yummy boy!
My 4 year old going to school

Joel and Gabe playing power rangers.
This picture was taken about 4 or 5 months ago.
I forgot to get one of them playing on his birthday. :(

Off to school, and yes he does his own hair! Love it!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008



This past weekend my mother-in-law and I had the opportunity to go down to California and revisit some of our old stomping grounds. I grew up in the East Bay Area and she grew up just across the bay on the hill over looking the city.

Our purpose for going down was not just for leisure, we found out that her sister-in-law, John's aunt, had passed away so we went down to see family and help in whatever way we could.

We ended up having a day to ourselves to see the sites. We went to the Oakland California Temple were John and I where married. There was no one on the grounds to take a picture of us together so we each took one of each other. The fountains had just been turned off for the evening which I was really bummed about but it was still so beautiful.

At the visitor center they have there we saw that they were having a showing of some sculptures of Christ. We decided to go see. They truly where the most amazing things I had ever seen. There was probably 10-15 individual depictions of Christs teachings. Him walking on water, raising Lazarus from the tomb, Marry and Martha with Him, Teaching the Pharisees, Cleansing the leper. And the list goes on. They were so beautiful and brought on so many emotions and gratitude for our Savior. There were some in the room who were about to go through the temple and I thought 'what a great way to begin and evening, being reminded of Him who made us.' I have to admit I was slightly jealous of them.
The trip was short cuz I was itching to get back to my kids and hubby but I had a great time getting to know my mother-in-law better and spending time reminiscing with her about life and family.