Two weeks ago my mother-in-law asked me if she could take Ryan and Josh to go see Uncle Jeppie-Pie at the Naval Academy. At first I was really apprehensive, I don't fly well and so it's hard for me to think of my kids going on a plane. John on the other hand was all for it. This was on a Sunday night that we decided to let them go. I cleared it with their teachers and we told them Tuesday night to pack their bags cuz they were going to Washington DC and Annapolis to spend 6 days with Grandma and Uncle Jeff the next day!!!
They had the time of their lives!!! Grandma spoiled them and took them everywhere.
Stopped in at the White House
Outside the Naval Academy with Grandma
Josh with control of the camera-(not bad)
Josh with control of the camera-(not bad)
And saw the Capitol Building, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, The Library of Congress, The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, toured a destroyer and as Josh put it, 'saw real guns that shoot people'.
I'm sure that I missed lots of stuff, but it was hard to decipher their pictures. Most ended up being pictures of their hands or deer on the side of the road. I've dicovered that you can never have too many of those. :)~.
Their favorite part of the trip?...watching Jeppie-Pie play hockey and ice skating on the hockey rink. (I know we could have taken them to downtown Tacoma for that but it's more fun to fly across the country to do it-CRAZY!)